Maria7xphoto: Mirror selfie with my cat
Mike Caputo: Honolii
Giovanni Savino Photography: In 2024 I Wish You.....
Photobooth Portraits: Marnie Graflex 5x4
Mike Caputo: The Dude Abides
Mike Caputo: The Dude Abides
Mike Caputo: The Dude Abides
Tony Bokeh Larsson: Magic light - Szabad 4x5 - Xenar Typ D 165/3.5 wide open - Fomapan 100
check4newton: In Gedanken auf Reisen
Lars_Holte: DIY 4x5" 2" wide pinhole: Modelfly på modelflyvepladsen
lsmart: Laia
check4newton: Pinhole - Elementary power
patrickvandenbranden: Valentina - WP2
WoChen: LinhofSuperTechnikaIV_2023-05-04-006-LrPs
_stefkas_: pose