meltuckerdvm: So I come across this Great Blue Heron walking down the road.
meltuckerdvm: He's peaking into the grass. I'm thinking he's gonna bolt because I got out of my truck to take pictures of him.
meltuckerdvm: But nope. He starts walking right towards me.
meltuckerdvm: And he keeps getting closer... And closer... And closer...
meltuckerdvm: Then about 5 feet from the front of my truck he stops dead in his tracks.
meltuckerdvm: Then he peers into the grass ever so slowly. And he stays crouched there for well over a minute. My hands are starting to shake from holding the camera. And then...
meltuckerdvm: Without warning, he lunges forward!
meltuckerdvm: He comes up with a wad of grass and dirt in his mouth. Wait... is that dirt?
meltuckerdvm: OMG!!!!!
meltuckerdvm: Uhm... that is small and cute and furry and has a tail! WTF!?!?!?!?!? I thought herons ate fish and insects!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
meltuckerdvm: And within seconds...
meltuckerdvm: It's gone.
meltuckerdvm: Watching the lump in his throat go down, I'm both horrified and peeing my pants simultaneously.
meltuckerdvm: Holy Crap he is freaking gorgeous!
meltuckerdvm: BURP!!!!
meltuckerdvm: A gorgeous rodent murderer. I am in awe.
meltuckerdvm: BURRRRRPPPPP!!!!
meltuckerdvm: And then, as if nothing happened, he strolled back down the road.
meltuckerdvm: The end.