kyleddsn: DSC05149
kyleddsn: DSC05205
kyleddsn: Lone limber pine
kyleddsn: Waterfall
kyleddsn: Waterfall
kyleddsn: White knob mountains
kyleddsn: Antelope pass
kyleddsn: Bluebird and tanager
kyleddsn: Mountain bluebird
kyleddsn: From the pass
kyleddsn: Evening in the mountains
kyleddsn: Lone limber pine
kyleddsn: Old whitebark pine snag
kyleddsn: Western tanager and mountain bluebird share a tree
kyleddsn: Pioneer range
kyleddsn: Weasel with lunch
kyleddsn: Female yellow headed blackbird
kyleddsn: Brown headed cowbirds
kyleddsn: Brown headed cowbird
kyleddsn: Barn swallow stare
kyleddsn: Barn swallow on phragmites
kyleddsn: Discussing carrion
kyleddsn: Brewer's blackbird
kyleddsn: Swainson's hawk
kyleddsn: Swainson's hawk
kyleddsn: Western meadowlark
kyleddsn: Swainson's hawk
kyleddsn: Swainson's hawk
kyleddsn: Ferruginous hawk
kyleddsn: Velvet ant