Rose.Gilbert: Count the roses not the thorns!
Rose.Gilbert: Warm chocolate brownies!
Rose.Gilbert: Quiet mornings are the best retreats!
Rose.Gilbert: Wild Aspirations!
Rose.Gilbert: There is nothing more beautiful than falling in love with someone's thoughts!
Rose.Gilbert: Spiced pound cake with fruit toppings!
Rose.Gilbert: Moody tomato soup!
Rose.Gilbert: With love, Strawberries!
Rose.Gilbert: Lazy Sunday afternoons be like....
Rose.Gilbert: Let there be light, let there be hope, each new day!
Rose.Gilbert: Chocolate stout cake! Dark richness!
Rose.Gilbert: DSC_0435
Rose.Gilbert: In loving memory of a great artist and a wonderful human being! RIP Sushant Singh Rajput!
Rose.Gilbert: Tea, biscuits and journaling - few of my favorite things!
Rose.Gilbert: Cherries in Texas! Summer is here!
Rose.Gilbert: Blackberry smoothie!
Rose.Gilbert: Caramelized Upside Down Apple Cake
Rose.Gilbert: Goodbye Spring! Hello Summer!
Rose.Gilbert: Sweet old melodies!
Rose.Gilbert: Fruit of the Gods! Persimmons
Rose.Gilbert: Pistachio muffins!
Rose.Gilbert: Sunsets are the sweetest goodbyes!
Rose.Gilbert: In love with 'The Hours' by Michael Cunningham!
Rose.Gilbert: Overnight oats with peanut butter and blackberries!
Rose.Gilbert: Sunset with lavenders!
Rose.Gilbert: Mango mousse!
Rose.Gilbert: Watermelon juice!
Rose.Gilbert: Oats banana mixture pancakes!
Rose.Gilbert: Date with a lovely book!
Rose.Gilbert: Broccoli baked with garlic!