stefano__bw: three of a kind
mariehochhaus: konfetti
fishmonger45: Eyes of Blue Ellen Jo Dahlberg Roberts - Artist and writer - Arizona - USA - 07/21/2010
olivia bee: Accidental beauty is my favorite kind.
mjkimmel: Soy Chai Latte 54:365
Honey Pie!: Dreaming and waiting for Christmas
Honey Pie!: Sniff
Extra Medium: The Beauty of Destruction
The Nature Nook: Avian Curve
Honey Pie!: Bubbles' Project! Drinking milk!
BetterThanYourLuckyStar: Davanti al mare la felicità è un'idea semplice*
Dixie Native: "All Right Mr. DeMille, I'm Ready For My Close-Up"
BetterThanYourLuckyStar: 5 copie della tesi 70 euro. Non vedere mai più gli universitari nel chiostro non ha prezzo.
linda yvonne: Clematis- H.F. Young
Dixie Native: fleeting color in a green world
jacki-dee: Who You Lookin' At?
philwirks: Honfleur
Lord V: Fuchsia - taken with flash
sivanelle: Stones
Rashed Al Ben Ali: [ NeverLand ]
ddsnet: 野牡丹 Purple Glory Tree
j_sallach: Twins
OddBall7: Autumn
Hausstaubmilbe: in the drops !