Morgan Main: underwater highway
Morgan Main: last check before leaving
Morgan Main: megalodon teeth
Morgan Main: the shark posing
Morgan Main: Despues de la ducha
Morgan Main: ready to continue on the road
Morgan Main: Walk to the lake
Morgan Main: On a break
Morgan Main: Puncture
Morgan Main: Sonrie
Morgan Main: Parada de descanso
Morgan Main: Clock Tower
Morgan Main: Waiting for it to open
Morgan Main: I think I must have dynamite
Morgan Main: I'll steal the batmobile
Morgan Main: I'll wait for the next one
Morgan Main: waiting for the train with a coffee
Morgan Main: Work completed
Morgan Main: Difficult operation
Morgan Main: Blood Doctor
Morgan Main: Beer at the end of the day
Morgan Main: Ignoring the fight at the bar
Morgan Main: Doing the paperwork
Morgan Main: Administration
Morgan Main: Exercising arms
Morgan Main: Just a little warming up
Morgan Main: Marking the abdomen
Morgan Main: Let's sweat a little
Morgan Main: Snapshot_002
Morgan Main: Snapshot_003