Elevenboy: Hugo De Rune
Petersheikah: Tuma, the Skrall Queen
doomspawn: Toa Proxima
[Jack Frost]: The Gunslinger
CareCreations: Zenyatta (Ifrit)
CareCreations: Lasca & Rotte
CareCreations: Harbinger of War
CareCreations: Qinglong
CareCreations: Stygiomedusa Gigantea
EctoMOCs: Evo WIP
EctoMOCs: Toa Ahkmou
EctoMOCs: Raka-Nui // Toa of Lightning
ToaTaile: Megatron, Modified for War
filbrick: Sea monster 2/3
liskinlis: The Summoner
Igreshi: Geargator
holdenthepanda: jala-nui snail
Sunrise_Moc_Creator: Blood Moon Aatrox, The world ender
!ggs: Guitar "Hero"
gerimon123: the Datasaver (he remembers)
Nuhvok_mok: "Mordred's a-hungry"
anderson_builder: Jonah & the Scrimshawed God
micr_omega: The Lich
EctoMOCs: Bio-Cup 2023 - Grank
SquaredMich: Season Four - Episode Thirteen: "Face Off"
jessicaabstance: Evil Octavio
eClair Builds: HALO HUNTER