H - D - O: Mushroom on a post
H - D - O: Kleiner Bornhorster See im Nebel
H - D - O: Pusteblume
H - D - O: Plattbauch
H - D - O: Lupine
H - D - O: Karerpass und Latemar am Abend
H - D - O: Heidelibelle BW
H - D - O: Seiltänzer
H - D - O: How I felt after 4 hours of non-stop driving on the A1 motorway.
H - D - O: Sonnenaufgang
H - D - O: Abendstimmung am Großen Bornhorster See
H - D - O: Bäume, Wiese, Himmel
H - D - O: Mondschein
H - D - O: Golden Hour
H - D - O: Einsamer Angler
H - D - O: Tropfenwelt
H - D - O: Droplets
H - D - O: Pflaumenblüten
roelivtil: Eén druppel / A single drop
Martin Bärtges: The feather and the water drop - My entry for todays "smile on saturday" theme "a single drop"
H - D - O: Blaumeise
photoheart10: Tomorrow is spring...
photoheart10: Primavera 😊
photoheart10: Lonely...
H - D - O: Sing out loud
F.Carmen M.: Colorul pencils
H - D - O: DSC05153_DxO
H - D - O: DSC05140_DxO
photoheart10: Hydrangea
photoheart10: Fragile