Gems90: Falling too fast, so naive we thought it would last.
Gems90: Science and Religion
Gems90: You held your voice well, there were tears I could tell
Gems90: I’m leaving you
Gems90: Watch the sun rise as we're getting old
Gems90: The day I realized I'm actually an ambivert :D
Gems90: Hotel Del Salto
Gems90: Love this view
Gems90: E R I K A G E M S
Gems90: Fortnight
Gems90: E R I K A G E M S
Gems90: Feel the world around you
Gems90: The seasons have all gone
Gems90: I'm tired...
Gems90: There ain't no angels here on the dance floor
Gems90: I should really try to calm my mind
Gems90: What I did to you? (^ ^")
Gems90: I know I may be wrong but I don't wanna be right ~
Gems90: Everytime