sławomir18: Common wood pigeon - Columba palumbus - Gołąb grzywacz
sławomir18: Blackbird - Turdus merula -Kos
sławomir18: Pomeranian goose
sławomir18: Angry bird
sławomir18: Common wood pigeon - Columba palumbus - Gołąb grzywacz
sławomir18: Red knot - Calidris canutus - Biegus rdzawy
sławomir18: Black-headed gull ( winter plumage )
sławomir18: Wood nuthatch - Sitta europaea - Kowalik zwyczajny
sławomir18: Phalacrocorax carbo - Kormoran zwyczajny - Great cormorant
sławomir18: Grey heron - Czapla siwa - Ardea cinerea
sławomir18: Sparrows
sławomir18: Great spotted woodpecker
sławomir18: House sparrow - Passer domesticus - Wróbel zwyczajny
sławomir18: The cormorant nests in the Peene Valley ( Naturpark Flusslandschaft Peenetal )
sławomir18: House sparrows (Passer domesticus)
sławomir18: Pavo cristatus
sławomir18: Common moorhen - Gallinula chloropus - Kokoszka zwyczajna
sławomir18: European herring gull - Larus argentatus - Mewa srebrzysta
sławomir18: Sparrow
sławomir18: Crow on the beach
sławomir18: Hooded crow
sławomir18: Grey heron
sławomir18: Cormorant
sławomir18: Resting duck
sławomir18: Mallard