ivlys: Am Ufer - On the shore
Stardex 2.0: Emirates Economy Class : Roasted Chicken
Stardex 2.0: Emirates Economy Class : Vegan Crepe
Stardex 2.0: Emirates Economy Class : Fish & Potatoes
ivlys: Feurig - Fiery
ivlys: Coming home
ivlys: Aster
ivlys: Singing Sands - Lake Huron
ivlys: Gegenlicht - Backlight
ivlys: Steinig - Stony
ivlys: Seed - Samen
ivlys: Huronsee - Lake Huron
ivlys: Mond über Manitoulin Island
ivlys: Want to share this pic with you
ivlys: Along Lake Superior
ivlys: Along Lake Superior
ivlys: Along Lake Superior
ivlys: Weihnachtsmarkt - Christmas Market
ivlys: Johnson Lake
ivlys: Nebel am Rhein - Fog at Rhine River
ivlys: Nebliger Novembertag - Foggy November Day
ivlys: Goldmantelziesel - golden-mantled ground squirrel
ivlys: Numa Falls Vermillion River
ivlys: Bow Lake - Icefields Parkway
ivlys: Peyto Lake
ivlys: Peyto Lake
ivlys: North Saskatchewan River
ivlys: Icefield Center Jasper NP
ivlys: Dickhornschafe - Big Horn Sheep female
ivlys: Wapiti - near Lake Minnewanka