mukao: Comfortable place for mushrooms
mukao: Sugihiratake,スギヒラタケ
mukao: Extending tentacles, 触手を伸ばす
mukao: Autumn Leaves, 紅葉
mukao: Autumn colors, 秋色燃えて
mukao: Drizzling autumn mountains, 霧雨降る秋山
mukao: Mountains shrouded in mist,煙る山並
mukao: Beech forest with white wild asters, 白嫁菜咲く.
mukao: Dhalia, ダリア
mukao: Reflections of Autumn.
mukao: Beech tree with Rock.
mukao: Spider after the rain.
mukao: Still alive.
mukao: Japanese Toad Lily, 琥珀ホトトギス
mukao: Walking old Tree, Giant walk. 歩む古木
mukao: A good place to grow.
mukao: Family gathering, 家族の集まり
mukao: Old Katsura Tree, 桂大師
mukao: Aun Waterfall, 阿吽の滝
mukao: Okunoin Temple, 奥の院(正覚院)
mukao: Zinnia, 百日草
mukao: What is your impression? カラカサタケ
mukao: Looks delicious, 美味しそう.
mukao: Morning Dew.
mukao: Sisters, 姉妹
mukao: Wild Asters are blooming, 白嫁菜咲く
mukao: Evening Seashore.
mukao: Offering flowers. (to the fallen beech tree), 献花
mukao: Blooming by the small waterfall, 小滝に咲く
mukao: Spider’s work, 蜘蛛の作品