mukao: Fallen leaves at the base of a large trunk, 小春日和
mukao: Ryushi-Waterfall in late autumn,竜姿の滝
mukao: Waterfall with yellow leaves.
mukao: In wonderland.
mukao: Japanese autumn colors
mukao: A sacred space covered with yellow carpets, 黄色い絨毯
mukao: A fallen tree.
mukao: Split, 分岐
mukao: Sunkissed Mt. Fuji
mukao: Red umbrella, 赤い傘
mukao: Trees in deep autumn, 深秋の樹々
mukao: 群馬県立ぐんま天文台
mukao: Both Sides, 光と影, Light & Shadow
mukao: Nightfall, 夕暮れ時
mukao: Season when the white flowers bloom, 白嫁菜咲く頃
mukao: A morning swamp with a calm atmosphere, 静謐の朝
mukao: Doesn't it look like someone's face?
mukao: Late autumn, 行く秋
mukao: Nature preparing for winter, 冬支度の自然
mukao: Late autumn pond, 晩秋池彩
mukao: Small waterfall in late autumn, 晩秋の小滝
mukao: Autumn reflection in a puddle.
mukao: The sun sets over the Bay.
mukao: Bank of Iwate Red Brick Building. (2F)
mukao: Late blooming cosmos field, 遅咲きの秋桜畑
mukao: All togeter, 勢揃い
mukao: Flower garden in the forest, 白嫁菜の園
mukao: Signs of autumn leaves in this year.
mukao: Blooming by the waterfall, 滝に咲く
mukao: Tsukiyotake , 月夜茸(ツキヨタケ)