Iphigenia Dervisi: Μητέρα και παιδί Mother and child
Iphigenia Dervisi: Η οξεία και η σκιά της Oksia and her shadow
Iphigenia Dervisi: Ο Παύλος And this is Pavlos!
Iphigenia Dervisi: This is the "Mask"...
Iphigenia Dervisi: Not Alain Delon...here is Pantelis!
Iphigenia Dervisi: Not a mystery, it is Pantelis!
Iphigenia Dervisi: Ο Παντελής And this is Pantelis!
Iphigenia Dervisi: Οξεία - Αμβλεία 1-0 Oksia - Amvlia 1-0
Iphigenia Dervisi: Το Μποτάκι Botaki
Iphigenia Dervisi: ...και τέλος η Τιτίκα and finally, Titika