benjaminalbrecht: Lünertorstraße 21 mit Kaufhaus und Kran
benjaminalbrecht: Lünertorstraße 21
benjaminalbrecht: Stint-Kneipen
benjaminalbrecht: Stint-Kneipen
TanksUwU: Normal tank
TanksUwU: Normal tank
Barthezz Brick: Venice 1486 - Gondola (side 1)
Barthezz Brick: Venice 1486 - Gondola (Side 2)
Barthezz Brick: Venice 1486 - Gondola (main)
Barthezz Brick: Stella di orione - Florence Merchant ship (back)
Barthezz Brick: Stella di orione - Florence Merchant ship (side)
Barthezz Brick: Stella di orione - Florence Merchant ship (detail)
Barthezz Brick: Stella di orione - Florence Merchant ship (main)
Czifi: AH-6/MD530G
Czifi: AH-6/MD530G
Edge of Bricks: Mandalorian's N-1 Starfighter
Edge of Bricks: Mandalorian's N-1 Starfighter
Edge of Bricks: Mandalorian's N-1 Starfighter
Edge of Bricks: Mandalorian's N-1 Starfighter
Edge of Bricks: Mandalorian's N-1 Starfighter
Edge of Bricks: Mandalorian's N-1 Starfighter MOC by Edge of Bricks
just_bricking: Platoon Attack Craft 1
just_bricking: Platoon Attack Craft 2
just_bricking: Platoon Attack Craft 3
just_bricking: Platoon Attack Craft 4
Edge of Bricks: The Siege of Bricks: Conquest MOC work in progress
cereal eating builder: Cruiser (final 3D prototype)
cereal eating builder: Cruiser (final 3D prototype)
anotherbrickinthemoc: Detention Block