memoirsofsid: A beautiful prayer
memoirsofsid: The National Flag of India.. #jaihind
memoirsofsid: The great Himalayas
memoirsofsid: Just a Sunset in the Himalayas
memoirsofsid: I shine so bright, even the curtains can't contain my light!! 😎
memoirsofsid: The beautiful #pangong #leh #india
memoirsofsid: Sunrise at Pangong Tsu #leh #ladakh
memoirsofsid: A fine morning in Leh #India
memoirsofsid: The adventures you set off to is an experience for a life time.. #ladakh #himalayandiaries #beginnerphotographer
memoirsofsid: Thikse Monastery #ladakh #himalayandiaries #leh #India
memoirsofsid: The aftermath of a snowstorm during the beautiful dusk.. #himalayandiaries
memoirsofsid: The beautiful moon illuminating the blanket of clouds and the lil stars.
memoirsofsid: A starry night in the Himalayas.. #himalayandiaries
memoirsofsid: It's lovely to see the unity of these birds Even at 18000ft.. #himalayandiaries
memoirsofsid: This is an Alpine Chough. A bird commonly seen on the hills of the mighty Himalayas.. #himalayandiaries
memoirsofsid: Finally caught the Black Billed Magpie.. Waited 7 days for this beautiful bird to show its face to my lens... #himalayandiaries
memoirsofsid: Hope Stand strong even when the world throws knives nd boulders at you..
memoirsofsid: Spread your wings of freedom and soar heights you ve never imagined.. Black billed magpie
memoirsofsid: Twinkle Twinkle Countless Stars.. How I wonder how colourful you are.. Up above on the hills I've reached, almost grasping you with my eyes... To see you shining like diamonds in the sky.. #nightphotography #himalayandiaries
memoirsofsid: I'm definitely closer to the moon sitting at 12000ft in the Mighty Himalayas.. #himalayandiaries #nightphotography
memoirsofsid: The greedy bee in search of nectar
memoirsofsid: Guardian of the galaxy
memoirsofsid: Now That's Sky!!! #iphonephotography
memoirsofsid: The snow showers on a random eve in The Himalayas.. #ngc
memoirsofsid: The excitement of a photographer when he finally witnesses Pangong