rockymountainroz: Febe's Sunday Daydream...
Ragazza*: Mori girl meets Shabby Chic
Ragazza*: Lutwidge Hightopp von Pinktea
jillybug ~: Reindeer Tryouts
Vainilladolly: Daisy Nomad
Kit Lane: PeeBee and Jay the bunnykins
Blythemaniaco: Robyn, my Swedish girl!
Blythemaniaco: Sweet as caramel!
rockymountainroz: Look Adeline! Tiny Snowflakes for you and me!
Kit Lane: Great Horned
Kit Lane: Picaroon
jillybug ~: "Bearly" there
*NaNuKa*: *Circe*
*NaNuKa*: *Candela*
frankie.DARLING: For Annie's wonderland!
Vainilladolly: Beam and Lagur found now homes! congrats new mommies!
Lawdeda ♡: Her new Skates :D
Vainilladolly: Custom commission WW for Tanya
jillybug ~: It's amazing what removing 50 gallons
cocomicchi: dande louroulou
sonyah_78: Tarde con Lafont
Baccarita: Peyton...
rockymountainroz: Thinking she's bad! 138/365
jillybug ~: "...ohhh....FINE!
Teka e Fabi®: Dantop, a corajosa...
Ragazza*: Imagine
*NaNuKa*: *Ula Bilmun*
Vainilladolly: Me is an easter bunny (Lola is now Alice)