Felix Castelan: Forest Gymp
Felix Castelan: Punching through Pomona
Felix Castelan: CM4 north of Henty
jroll52: QR 2903/ 2195A - Yandina - PW57 - 28/12/2024
Felix Castelan: Yandina forever
Felix Castelan: Pineapple on pizza
Felix Castelan: QUEENSLANDER
Ryland Mitchell Photography: BRM001 4911 CLF3 CLP9 | 7MC5 @ Mathiesons - 21/12/24
Blake C Photography: 1MC5 - Mathiesons Siding
Blake C Photography: 8095 - Sunbury
JamesHunter33: 241124 Aurizon 2838 2701 Y279 Meadowvale
JamesHunter33: 241123 Isis Central Mill D4 Lynwood
JamesHunter33: 241124 Bundaberg Sugar Elliott Calavos 2
JamesHunter33: 241124 Queensland Rail Tilt Train Q301 Meadowvale
Ryland Mitchell Photography: FQ01 GL102 | 6MX1 @ Elders - 29/11/24
MurgheMP1: 20241111 EF210-136 5075 Ishibashi
Blake C Photography: 2AM5 - Murghebuloc
Ryland Mitchell Photography: NR117 NR107 NR28 | 3PM7 @ Brooklyn - 8/11/24
Ryland Mitchell Photography: 512M @ Yarraville - 9/11/24
SmithyLS1: SSR N455 & N466 Kensington
SmithyLS1: Common traction at Yarraville
Ryland Mitchell Photography: QL018 CF4412 QL020 | 5WM7 @ Glenrowan - 29/9/23
Ryland Mitchell Photography: SCT002 CSR005 | 1BM9 @ Paisley - 26/9/23
Skilt: Steel in the cutting
MurgheMP1: 20241010 Q4011-CBH118-CBH121 5S58 Grass Valley
Ryland Mitchell Photography: N464 S317 S311 N466 | 9193 @ Paisley - 7/9/24
Sams train photography: 8865 Ardeer 7/9/24
8888transportpix: CSR020 CSR016 1101 1104 6MP9 Meenaar