urpo.patsi: An old fallen spruce
urpo.patsi: Small river running through a forest (1)
urpo.patsi: Small river running through a forest (2)
urpo.patsi: Swamp and old pines
urpo.patsi: Swamp Lake (1)
urpo.patsi: Swamp Lake (2)
urpo.patsi: Reflection on the lake at sunset
urpo.patsi: Evening campfire by the lake (1)
urpo.patsi: Evening campfire by the lake (2)
urpo.patsi: Evening campfire by the lake (3)
urpo.patsi: Evening campfire by the lake (4)
urpo.patsi: June afternoon on a secluded lake (1)
urpo.patsi: June afternoon on a secluded lake (2)
urpo.patsi: Cloudy evening sky over a calm lake (1)
urpo.patsi: Cloudy evening sky over a calm lake (2)
urpo.patsi: Rain clouds on the horizon
urpo.patsi: Summer evening landscape of taiga (1)
urpo.patsi: Summer evening landscape of taiga (2)
urpo.patsi: On a summer night at one o'clock (1)
urpo.patsi: On a summer night at one o'clock (2)
urpo.patsi: Summer midnight near the Arctic Circle (1)
urpo.patsi: Summer midnight near the Arctic Circle (2)
urpo.patsi: Summer midnight near the Arctic Circle (3)
urpo.patsi: River Porontimajoki (1)
urpo.patsi: River Porontimajoki (2)
urpo.patsi: Old Watermill in river Porontimajoki
urpo.patsi: Porontima (1)
urpo.patsi: Porontima (2)
urpo.patsi: Reflection on a pond
urpo.patsi: Myllylampi Pond (1)