szefi: Ő
DESPITE STRAIGHT LINES: Sunset over Whitby Bay - (Selected by GETTY IMAGES)
Kent Yu: Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8 VR mage Samples
Chris Buhr: Gääääähn
Aljaž Vidmar: Abbandoned
shutterbugcel: Kitty time
Sabinche: sidelit
inka19: Macro Mondays Week35 - Glass
CM Murray: Untitled
Sir Cam @camdiary: Black and White 2/3
AngyDS: black and white
tomquah (busy period): Black and White - Dews
Sobry: white rose in black and white
Nick L: Vestrahorn dawn in black and white
A. Bockheim: Light and Flowers
Andreas Ulvo: While you comb my hair