lucasmalone347: 18. Looking Up The two holds that are stuck on the wall can be plainly seen from this view.
lucasmalone347: 17. The Tower You can see the outlines on the wall where the rock holds used to be.
lucasmalone347: 16. The Course Coming up to the zip-line tower in the back.
lucasmalone347: 15. Tree Canopy
lucasmalone347: 14. Further down the road
lucasmalone347: 13. Clearing One of the sections that has been cleared out, with our work truck ready to haul another load.
lucasmalone347: 12. Twisting Vines These vines twist throughout many of the trees, and thankfully don't have thorns like their smaller counterparts.
lucasmalone347: 11. Down the turn This road goes further down into the course
lucasmalone347: 10. Uncovered Cedar Previously hidden by smaller trees and brambles, this cedar can now be seen by everyone.
lucasmalone347: Log Row (front view)
lucasmalone347: 8. Log Row (side view) Our stack of logs, ready for any camping trip.
lucasmalone347: 7. Axe at work
lucasmalone347: 6. Cutting Teeth- One of the tools we use for work
lucasmalone347: 5. Spectators Just a couple of our usual spectators that watch us while we work.
lucasmalone347: 4. Fire Pit- This is one of our fire pits that we use to control the burning. We also make sure it isn't too windy when we do so.
lucasmalone347: 3. Pile of dead trees- This is the pile of trees and vines that we have cleared out, waiting to be burned
lucasmalone347: 2. Down the road
lucasmalone347: 1. Entrance to the challenge course
lucasmalone347: The rule of social distancing- One of Tarletons signs on campus, listing the rules for social distancing during the outbreak
lucasmalone347: Greets still open! With many restaurants closed during the outbreak, Greets is still open, offering curbside service and takeout orders.
lucasmalone347: Town Hall empty With the coronavirus outbreak keeping everyone inside, Stephenville's town hall, usually packed with cars and people, stands empty
lucasmalone347: Lindsey Beauvais
lucasmalone347: The hands of an Outdoor Pursuits worker
lucasmalone347: James Bessler
lucasmalone347: Both dogs begging for a bit (or all) of my roll.
lucasmalone347: My sister trying not to choke on the breath her blue heeler/ beagle mix, Pavlov.
lucasmalone347: My sister, Jessica Warren, with her lab/beagle mix, JC Ray.
lucasmalone347: The speedclimbing board at the Rockwall is feeling the Valentine's Day spirit!
lucasmalone347: Tarleton students walking around campus and bundled up for the weather
lucasmalone347: A cluster of bare trees on campus, waiting for warmer weather