Tim Nicol: Common Loon in B&W
J.Hunter Photography: Red-necked Phalarope
sistereden2: Un café à Egine
sistereden2: Ermou * Athènes
Tim Nicol: Hummingbird & Hosta Flowers
sistereden2: Saint-Malo
marcolemos71: t h e w a r n i n g
sistereden2: Bruxelles
sistereden2: Madrid
Igor Danilov Philadelphia.: Breakfast & Haircut.
s.w.Lepak: that girl with kaleidoscope eyes again
sistereden2: Rue Cloche-Percé
sistereden2: Rue de Rivoli * Paris
Igor Danilov Philadelphia.: Gone with the Rhythm.
J.Hunter Photography: Sandhill Crane
J.Hunter Photography: Northern Harrier
J.Hunter Photography: Northern Shoveler
J.Hunter Photography: Tree Swallow
J.Hunter Photography: Trumpeter Swan
sistereden2: Rue du Marché Saint-Honoré - Rue Saint-Hyacinthe * Paris