andreas_fery: Kernbeisser
ricketdi: green honeycreeper / Guit-guit émeraude ( Diane )
Heffordphoto: Snowy Owl
marlin harms: Say's Phoebe at Rest, A Reminder to Look Closely
Jay KoolPix: Northern Mockingbird
Heffordphoto: Snowy Owl
francoise.oros: Gravelot à collier interrompu
suzannepask: "Bird on the Wire" title from Leonard Cohen's song
DoctoredbyNancy: Zebra in the early morning mist (Ngorongoro Crater, 2014)
Rejean Lemay Photography: Raptor | Dishev-owl Snowy ___ _SZN3043-Enhanced-NR-1 copy
Rejean Lemay Photography: Raptor | Dishev-owl Snowy ___ _SZN3042-Enhanced-NR-1 copy
doug0013: January's Wolf Moon, Colorized
doug0013: Great Horned Owl Siblings Sharing a Cuddle
Luisa Gila Merino: Mirando al mar
yvescourt123: Chardonneret jaune !
Jay KoolPix: Male Northern Cardinal
PatriciaNicoloso: Socó-dorminhoco/Black-crowned Night-Heron
Michel G-A: Chionomesa fimbriata
walterjeffords: Roseate. Spoonbill
airboy123: Long-eared Owl
PatriciaNicoloso: Tapicuru/Bare-faced Ibis
sw.ip: Sky view of Toronto
sw.ip: Barred Owl
sw.ip: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Rejean Lemay Photography: 20_SZN1505-Enhanced-NR-1 copy
Michael W. Potter: White-throated Magpie-Jay
Sykes Jeff: American Kestrel, Barbuda Caribbean.
Sykes Jeff: White Cheeked Pintail, Antigua.
yvescourt123: Harfang des neiges !