richard.petty: The New Town Hall...2
richard.petty: Urban spaces
richard.petty: Glasgow walks 11
richard.petty: Cumbernauld centre
richard.petty: The Doors
richard.petty: The Doors 1
richard.petty: The Doors 2
richard.petty: The Doors 3
richard.petty: The Doors 4
richard.petty: The Doors 5
richard.petty: But'n'ben
richard.petty: Home sweet home
richard.petty: Catbells at dawn
richard.petty: Sort that out
richard.petty: Private
richard.petty: Abstract
richard.petty: Tendrils
richard.petty: Derwentwater 6
richard.petty: The bus 3
richard.petty: Hidden message
richard.petty: Suilven
richard.petty: Strength
richard.petty: Untitled
richard.petty: Its all a facade
richard.petty: Glasgow impressions 1
richard.petty: Glasgow School of Art 2024
richard.petty: Just stop sin
richard.petty: The wall