mistyp11: 56/366 (2020)
mistyp11: 64/366 (2020)
The Gaggle Photography | Jessica Nelson: crepe myrtle dead blooms
barron: Daily Photo – 2020.02.29
piamuller: gobemouche noir
Thomas Winstone: Urban snail
barron: Daily Photo – 2020.02.13
gilgit2: Tree Pipit (Anthus trivialis)
mistyp11: 47/366 (2020)
piamuller: rouge gorge
JimDel Photographies: La belle des champs
mariliber: walking in nature
gilgit2: Spotted Flycatcher (Muscicapa striata)
ronzigler: Eastern Bluebird IMG_0683
Beckett_1066: Willie Wagtail...
Ratters: Thanks for the Views and Favs:): The Queen’s View in Highland Perthshire
Juan Caballero.: Piquituerto (Loxia curvirostra)
piamuller: écureuil
Lily M-C: 12/365
Lily M-C: 10/365
Naturissima: Pinson du Nord (Fringilla montifringilla) - Brambling
reipa59: Eisvogel / Kingfisher