avery1321: Patriotic baby and certainly one of the many award winners in the Juy 4th Baby Parade.
avery1321: Putting all his muscles into a mighty effort trying to ring the bell at a 4th of July carnival.
avery1321: A carnival game for kids: toss a roll of toilet paper into the toilet.
avery1321: Which to catch first - the ball or boomerang?
avery1321: New Members of Donald Trump's Space Force
avery1321: The ever-popular "thow a ball at the trarget and the girl falls into a tank of water." Independence Day kids carnival.
avery1321: I was happy to see a child playing in a sandbox. I thought they were no longer in kiddie playgrounds.
avery1321: Kids hate to wear glasses but sometimes they are essential.
avery1321: It's easy to make a child happy - just bribe them with ice cream.
avery1321: Isn't she cute?
avery1321: Eating her lunch on a bench.
avery1321: The children were asked to come forward and dance.