dsunnysky1: Coffee and donuts
dsunnysky1: HANATSUMI
dsunnysky1: CAROL'S
dsunnysky1: VULNUS
dsunnysky1: Sometimes is best to be alone where no one can hurt you
dsunnysky1: Being alone is better than being ignored
dsunnysky1: Its better to walk alone than with a crowd in the wrong direction
dsunnysky1: At the edge of darkness you will find light
dsunnysky1: Enchantress
dsunnysky1: You cant buy happiness, you can buy donuts its kinda the same thing
dsunnysky1: Web Dew
dsunnysky1: Mia's World
dsunnysky1: Self confidence is the best outfit rock it own it
dsunnysky1: I may have more issues than vogue but i can rock a red dress like a cover
dsunnysky1: You cannot put the same shoe on every foot
dsunnysky1: Live in the moment
dsunnysky1: Class is knowing what to say, when to say it and when to stop
dsunnysky1: Theres is nothing noble about being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self
dsunnysky1: Lips without lipstick is like cake without frosting
dsunnysky1: Dont wait for someone to bring you flowers plant your own flowers and decorate your soul
dsunnysky1: Broke is a temporary condition; Poor is a state of mind
dsunnysky1: Nothing can bring your peace but yourself
dsunnysky1: Be there for others, but never leave yourself behind
dsunnysky1: Happines is a journey not a destination
dsunnysky1: Shes a rebel soul whos live by her own anarchy. You see wild hearts cant be broken and you cant tame those who are ment to roam free
dsunnysky1: Theres always a reason to smile you just have to find it
dsunnysky1: Sailors have a port in every storm
dsunnysky1: Confidence is the most beautiful thing you can possess