ddavis4um: Arowana and child
ddavis4um: Laura with Mountain Goat Family
ddavis4um: The Sheep Barn
ddavis4um: Fishy PhotoBomb
Erell Ceridwenn: Jigoku Onsen - Kamado Jigoku
Infomastern: Could it be love?
Collin Key: Urban Love - Lofty Dancing
Collin Key: Food of Love
e³°°°: Flower meet and greet
Obama White House Archived: P020112LJ-0242.jpg
criss_garcia: Looking for new horizons...
Lisa Bettany {Mostly Lisa}: San Francisco Rainbow over the Bay Bridge
Rdoke: Christmas Kisses
Charlottine'sPics - ingridstainier.com: Beautiful Eyes of Haridwar, India
Charlottine'sPics - ingridstainier.com: Lovely Child from Kathmandu, Nepal
VinnyD. Photography: Jose & Jerlyne
montreal_bunny: The Sun Worshippers
Brian E Kushner: Gray Catbird
Gary Yankech: great egret
BrianRosenPhotography: Villa at Tryall club..Montegobay
Pro-Zak: Sunset_Park_101