Diane M Schuller:
learning 12-bar blues
Diane M Schuller:
Shmoo Shots:
Pellucid Hawk Moth
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
More peaches drying in the sun
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
Borage ready to flower
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
The pond in front of the house with ducks and geese
Scarce Swallowtail
wild goose chase:
Shmoo Shots:
"I'm SO sleepy!"
Shmoo Shots:
The Sleep of the Innocent
Shmoo Shots:
Hey there, Mr. Blue
In Memoriam: Ecuador Megadiverso:
Spiny Orb Weaver, juvenile Micrathena vigorsi?
Dance Me to the End of Love
Judith Magen:
Self-Closing Origami Twist Box
Judith Magen:
40 Pleats Origami Box
Shmoo Shots:
Flower Power
In Memoriam: Ecuador Megadiverso:
Treehoppers, Alchisme sp., Membracidae
In Memoriam: Ecuador Megadiverso:
Hairstreaks mating, Camissecla cleocha, Lycaenidae
andrea pratt:
canuck the crow
Great Grey Owls - Snowy Morning at the Nest
Diane M Schuller:
Heidi says "hi"