CCG_Monthly: Vincent Kelly, The shoemaker, Scored 19
CCG_Monthly: Vincent Kelly, The foundry, Scored 19
CCG_Monthly: Tim Murphy,Challenged_Cleric, Scored 17
CCG_Monthly: Schoolgirls, Ann Frances ,Scored 19
CCG_Monthly: Paul Flynn .Max Scored 18
CCG_Monthly: Noel Lehane, One Man Band, Scored 14
CCG_Monthly: Noel Lehane, Fish of The Day, Scored 14
CCG_Monthly: Maire Sweeney,Men at Work, Scored 17
CCG_Monthly: John Tait, Little and Large Scored 17
CCG_Monthly: John Tait, Harvest time ,Scored 18
CCG_Monthly: John Bradfield ,TheBusker, Scored 14
CCG_Monthly: JD Sullivan, 0190512-IMG_5249 Scored 17
CCG_Monthly: J FlueryHomeComfort Scored 18
CCG_Monthly: J Fluery,ChefAli ,Scored 16
CCG_Monthly: J D Sullivan .Scored 16
CCG_Monthly: Harry Ormond, Harpist, Scored 16
CCG_Monthly: Finbarr Ronan, Intense, Scored 18
CCG_Monthly: Cristopher O_Flaherty, Street Party, Scored 11
CCG_Monthly: C O_Donovan, Stonemason Scored 18
CCG_Monthly: Bryan O_Shea,John McEvaddy, Scored 13
CCG_Monthly: Bryan O_Shea,Anointed, Scored 15
CCG_Monthly: Ann Frances. Mother and Child,Scored 18
CCG_Monthly: Ann Frances, Chef,Scored 19
CCG_Monthly: You Say I_ve Got Some Neck,John Bradfield,12
CCG_Monthly: White Lights in the City, Noel Lehane,12pts
CCG_Monthly: Where_s Mum Gone,John Bradfield,17pts
CCG_Monthly: Venetian Moods,Hugh O_Connor,17pts
CCG_Monthly: Valentia ,Catherine O_Keeffe,12pts
CCG_Monthly: ThroughTheFog,Catherine O_Keeffe,14pts
CCG_Monthly: The Old Man ,Hugh O_Connor,14pts