jdonkers01: Oudedijkse Schiekade 196 Rotterdam - Old factory with a chimney
jdonkers01: The Pancake Boat Rotterdam, feast on the Nieuwe Maas!
jdonkers01: Rotterdamse Schie
jdonkers01: Fabriek van Delfshaven, Mathenesserdijk Rotterdam
jdonkers01: St. Jobshaven Rotterdam with Waterbus stop
jdonkers01: Rotterdam Restoration of the Parkhaven Oost quay construction
jdonkers01: De Hef and the Erasmus Bridge Rotterdam together on the picture
jdonkers01: Ons Park Noordereiland with the Willemsbrug in the background
jdonkers01: Hotel New York Rotterdam
jdonkers01: Parksluizen Rotterdam
jdonkers01: Ventilation building on the north bank of the Maastunnel Rotterdam
jdonkers01: Ons Park Noordereiland Rotterdam
jdonkers01: Boompjes Rotterdam
jdonkers01: The underside of the Erasmus bridge is also being renovated.
jdonkers01: Hulstkamp Gebouw Maaskade Rotterdam
jdonkers01: Beautiful view from my balcony
jdonkers01: This man is a hero according to the spectators on the ground
jdonkers01: The total renovation of the Erasmus Bridge will take approximately one year.
jdonkers01: Not being afraid of heights is useful in this case..
jdonkers01: The Erasmus Bridge is being painted, just with the roller :)
jdonkers01: Het Oog Ziekenhuis Rotterdam 150 jaar 1874-2024
jdonkers01: Het Witte Huis Rotterdam
jdonkers01: Water taxi through the bend on the Nieuwe Maas
jdonkers01: View of Koningshaven, Koninginnebrug, De Hef and St. Lambertus Church
jdonkers01: A situation on the Maas Rotterdam
jdonkers01: Erasmusbrug in the scaffolding for a paintjob
jdonkers01: Erasmusbrug Rotterdam gets a paint job
jdonkers01: Erasmusbrug Rotterdam gets a paint job
jdonkers01: Maaskade 97, Rotterdam Noordereiland