amerckx: dunlins
amerckx: sanderling 1
amerckx: sanderling 2
amerckx: flamingo's 2
amerckx: hoopoe with dinner
amerckx: avocets
amerckx: little egret 2
amerckx: middle spotted woodpecker
amerckx: mother great spotted woodpecker feeds son
amerckx: lost
amerckx: egret
amerckx: gull
amerckx: wegtail
amerckx: lanius senator
amerckx: flamingo's 1
amerckx: Sardinian warbler
amerckx: flamingo's
amerckx: European curlew
amerckx: avocet
amerckx: in the saltpans,slenderd-billed Gull
amerckx: in the saltpans,Commom Shehelduck
amerckx: in the saltpans, sanderling
amerckx: in the saltpans, little egret
amerckx: in the saltpans, flamingo's 8
amerckx: in the saltpans,glossy ibis.
amerckx: in the saltpans, at rest
amerckx: in the saltpans,flamingo's 6
amerckx: in the saltpans,
amerckx: in the saltpans, transport
amerckx: in the saltpans, Slender-billed Gull 2