Jocelyne F.: Chouette rayée
Ibolya Mester: When there is fog.. / Amikor köd van..
Ibolya Mester: Rural mood / Vidéki hangulat
Ibolya Mester: Sunset and smoke under the hill / Naplemente és füst a domb aljában
Ibolya Mester: Physalis / Zsidócseresznye
Ibolya Mester: Long shadows / Hosszú árnyékok
Ibolya Mester: Orange leaf / Narancssárga levél
Rogg4n: Wintery Wave - Tête-de-Ran - Switzerland
ingrid eulenfan: Obstmix / Fruit mix
tapestrymlp: IMG_6930
Slávka K: blueberies
matthiashn: Lucca & Maxx
Slávka K: two people
images@twiston: Fairytale
images@twiston: River of mist
dog ma: Jeager
sus@: milkyway
toto0569: Rózsa 2
kenny barker: EDGE OF AN EMPIRE
***Lynx***: Read my face
Penny Perch: German Shepherd Dog
Richard Eshelby: Even the dogs were spellbound!
t.atkian: Gretzky as a 9 week old pup
kenny barker: A walk through November
kenny barker: AUTUMN WALK
Tatjana Maria Franziska: Dominic Thiem at 18
Tatjana Maria Franziska: Max as the "Cat In The Sink"
Tatjana Maria Franziska: HAPPY HALLOWEEN