the user354:
9640 - new base
the user354:
5106 - 14!
the user354:
8354 - ☕️
the user354:
7049 - 55!
the user354:
8354 - 7
the user354:
8354 - Резерва
the user354:
Цветята - 31а
the user354:
8354 + 9662
the user354:
9640 + 8354
the user354:
8354 + 9640
the user354:
The new Setra S415NF - 4262
the user354:
1975 - 12
the user354:
8354 - low battery
the user354:
8354 - Развален
the user354:
the user354:
Setra S415NF
the user354:
Solaris Urbino 12 CNG - 9640
the user354:
314 - Авария за депо
the user354:
the user354:
the user354:
2663 - 7
the user354:
9948 - 409
the user354:
2663 с "красивата" си нова броня...
the user354:
Solaris Urbino 12 + Mercedes O405N2 in traffic
the user354:
Chavdar 11G5 + Mercedes O345G
the user354:
the user354:
8354 - 17а+60
the user354:
Solaris Urbino 12 CNG
the user354:
Solaris Urbino 12 CNG
the user354: