edinei montingelli: A touch of class.
edinei montingelli: All that you desire Rolls on ahead.
edinei montingelli: Indoor Games.
edinei montingelli: Dancing the last fuse of day.
edinei montingelli: Like a whispered kiss.
edinei montingelli: City lights are so bright as we go diving.
edinei montingelli: Secrets from the science of persuasion.
edinei montingelli: Overcoming new limits !
edinei montingelli: An effortless feeling of the perfect pop illusion.
Deb's Artography: Memories of Roses…
roland_tempels: Landscape in Bornem - Belgium
miriam ulivi - OFF/ON: my photographer friend ...on Explore !!
0soulis0: Soulis: Happy Name Day
Life Imitates Doodles: Sketching Stuff Snowman
maartenappel: Suikerrandjes
Sultan Sultani: Home Cat
Sultan Sultani: Male Cooper’s Hawk
Sultan Sultani: Black Phoebe
Sultan Sultani: Wildlife
Sultan Sultani: Yellow-rumped Warbler
Sultan Sultani: Mockingbrid
griecocathy: DSC_2730
griecocathy: DSC_0731
griecocathy: DSC_4225
griecocathy: DSC_0415
griecocathy: DSC_6078
Carlos Perulán: Edificio Carbonell en Alicante