O'Fins: Super Villain
Nenad Suznjevic: No matter the weather
view [ + ] finder: Andalusia (Kodachrome)
O'Fins: Missing bright comets...
Graham Gibson: Side of Bacon
tromme.pierre: La danse des marguerittes
Amazing Sky Photography: Andromeda Rising at Dinosaur Park
Amazing Sky Photography: Cygnus Nebulosity and Starclouds
Amazing Sky Photography: Autumn Constellations Over Moonlit Hoodoos
ToddAPage-photography: New York City Freedom Tower
Matt Osborne (aka. MrLeica.Com): San Francisco Cityscape - Xpan
jd weiss: untethered
under2b: Deer Lick Group and Stephan's Quintet - Annotated
niggyl :): One Putt-Putt
RRobertsphoto: Crescent Nebula - H-alpha
raimond_70: iso25-100 - 1
The Dark Side Observatory: NGC 772 (Arp 78) The Nautilus Galaxy
Terry Hancock www.downunderobservatory.com: The Horsehead and The Flame Nebulae in RGB
Matt Osborne (aka. MrLeica.Com): Leica M4-P Portrait
Amazing Sky Photography: S-O Double Cluster and Comet PanSTARRS C/2017 K2
giannidalmas: Gondole Sotto Rialto-IG
dr.medox: Whirlpool galaxy
Amazing Sky Photography: Milky Way over the Hoodoos
Bernhard_Thum: Sunset panorama with Matterhorn, Dent d' Herens and Untergabelhorn
JoelBT: Apotek & Orion