dnktb812: TORII for New year
dnktb812: Small shrine
dnktb812: Kimono Lady
dnktb812: Pinwheel tunnel entrance gate 12:54
dnktb812: They saw a sacred tree over the Pinwheels tunnel.
dnktb812: When You Wish upon a Wind chime
dnktb812: When You Wish upon a Wind chime 14:05
dnktb812: Lovers
dnktb812: Side exterior of a main hall
dnktb812: Wind chimes
dnktb812: When You Wish upon a Wind chime 14:01
dnktb812: When You Wish upon a Wind chime 14:23
dnktb812: Hikawa Shrine in July
dnktb812: When You Wish upon a Wind chime 14:14
dnktb812: When You Wish upon a Wind chime in evening
dnktb812: At Hikawa shrine in evening
dnktb812: When You Wish upon a Wind chime 17:22
dnktb812: When You Wish upon a Ema
dnktb812: The red thread of fate for lovers
dnktb812: Background painting of the dance hall
dnktb812: Popular photo spot
dnktb812: Scene with a maiden in the service of a shrine
dnktb812: The exterior of the main hall
dnktb812: Wishes at Year of the rabbit
dnktb812: Votive picture plate tunne 13:09l
dnktb812: Tunnel 13:08
dnktb812: Praying
dnktb812: Wish Plates Tunnel
dnktb812: Wish Plates Tunnel 14:22
dnktb812: Copper Reflections