Natures Joy Photography: Hooded Warbler
webgoers: Blackburnian Warbler
misewic1: Yellow-throated Warbler
Laura Erickson: Mangrove Cuckoo
mikewiz: Townsend's Warbler
Digital Plume Hunter: Painted Redstart
miketrdunn: Prairie Falcon-70
ldjaffe: P1650333 California Quail
ldjaffe: IMG_1243.jpg California Quail, UCSC Arboretum
ldjaffe: DSC_6297 Red-breasted Sapsucker
Natures Joy Photography: Hudsonian Godwit
Jerry Ting: Godwit Trifecta (from left to right) - Hudsonian, Bar-tailed and Marbled Godwit
jt893x: Red-eyed Vireo
Jerry Ting: Swainson's Thrush
Mary Sonis: Swainson's Thrush
jt893x: Swainson's Thrush
jt893x: Red-eyed Vireo
Maranda Mink: Summer Tanager
Phiddy1: Northern Saw-whet owl
ayres_leigh: Saw-whet Owl
Natures Joy Photography: Prairie Warbler
Phiddy1: Mourning warbler
lindapp57: Baltimore Oriole
lindapp57: scarlet tanager
Lizette617Strong: CatBird In Fl (Explore) My first Explore photo)