NASA on The Commons:
51-L Challenger Crew in White Room
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Velvet Cushion
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Thin Ribbon
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In Pink
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Orange Ribbon
Ian N. White:
Black-backed Puffback (Dryoscopus cubla)
Red tailed Hawk
Valter Jacinto | Portugal:
🇵🇹 Garça-real 🇬🇧 Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)
Short-Eared Owl with some ruffled feathers as it pulses to slow down, using its tail to point its body at its prey
Double-crested cormorant showing off her beautiful feathers
Tom Mortenson:
Snowy Owl
Tom Coulson:
Blue tit
Short eared owl
Ceredig Roberts:
Hooded Merganser
David C Mishalof:
Brandt's Cormorant necking.
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Lemon Luxury
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Pool Water
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Photo On Ice
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Broken Glass
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White Stripes
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Fitness Luxury
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Cherry Bubble