John Freshney: Coal tit
SBA73: Al meu pare / To my father
eaglebanjo: Blackbird, Female, Turdus merula
malioli: In the mist
malioli: On the one leg
malioli: Every day one shot!
malioli: Every day one shot!
nickgray69: Greater Spotted woodpecker, Denny Wood, New Forest, Hampshire
nickgray69: Blue tit, Denny Wood, New Forest, Hampshire
nickgray69: Woodmouse outside its nest, Denny Wood, New Forest, Hampshire
Benjamin Fabian: Trachyphloeini (Trachyphloeus or Cathormiocerus)
Benjamin Fabian: Bombylius major Latreille, 1802
John Freshney: Dunnock
John Freshney: Bank Vole
John Freshney: The Moon Tonight 19th November 2020
John Freshney: House Sparrow
John Freshney: Conical Brittlestem
Not.Another.Front: The Medicine Cabinet
ksl219: Tick Tock
ksl219: Teasel
eaglebanjo: Blackbird, Male, Turdus merula
eaglebanjo: Starlings, Sturnus vulgaris (Best viewed Large).
eaglebanjo: Greenfinch, Male, Chloris chloris
creaturesnapper: Candlesnuff fungus ---- Xylaria hypoxylon
creaturesnapper: Purple Jellydisc --- Ascocoryne sarcoides
creaturesnapper: Sulphur Tuft --- Hypholoma fasciculare
creaturesnapper: Possibly Velvet Shank ?
creaturesnapper: Split Gill —— Schizophyllum commune
creaturesnapper: Sulphur knight --- Tricholoma sulphureum
creaturesnapper: Beech Woodwart --- Hypoxylon fragiforme