Dominique Dierick:
Moon and Venus conjunction, January 3, 2025
Maarten VLH:
NGC 2170 - The Angel Nebula
Dominique Dierick:
Iris Nebula and the Dark Ring in Cepheus
Maarten VLH:
M 33 - The Triangulum Pinwheel Galaxy
Dominique Dierick:
Comet A11bP7I - C/2024 S1 (ATLAS), a sungrazer
piet vanneste:
NGC 6334 Cat's paw nebula
Dominique Dierick:
Lunar Mosaic with a small telescope
Dominique Dierick:
LDN234-204-191 in Ophiuchus
Geert Vandenbulcke:
Veerle Heyman:
the sun on 11/08/2024
Veerle Heyman:
a bonus!
Veerle Heyman:
This morning Saturn disappeared behind the Moon
Maarten VLH:
SH2-112 - emission nebula
piet vanneste:
Southern Gems in Carina - GUM 37
Dominique Dierick:
Minutes before the occultation of Saturn by the moon on Aug 21
Geert Vandenbulcke:
Geert Vandenbulcke:
Dominique Dierick:
First bright Perseid meteor of the year. Near Jupiter and Mars, the Hyades and the Pleiades.
Dominique Dierick:
PGC3589 Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy
Dominique Dierick:
NGC7293, the Helix Nebula
Dominique Dierick:
Mu Cephei and the Milky Way in Cepheus (best seen full size)
Dominique Dierick:
E Nebula in Aquila, dark nebulae Barnard 142 and 143
Dominique Dierick:
The Dark Doodad Nebula and globular NGC4372 in Musca
Dominique Dierick:
Omega Centauri, the largest of all Globular Star Clusters
Dominique Dierick:
NGC 6334, the Cats Paw Nebula in Scorpius
piet vanneste:
M7 cluster in Scorpio
piet vanneste:
LDN 43 , the galactic bat in Ophiuchus
piet vanneste:
LDN 673 Lynds’ Dark Nebula in Aquila