sahorner59: IMG_4335
sahorner59: IMG_4338 e
sahorner59: IMG_4307
sahorner59: The Bullstones stone circle, Cheshire
sahorner59: The Bullstones stone circle, central stone, Cheshire
sahorner59: The Bridestones chambered cairn, Cheshire [2]
sahorner59: The Bridestones chambered cairn, Cheshire [1]
sahorner59: IMG_4216 a
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sahorner59: IMG_4222
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sahorner59: Central standing stone, Mayburgh Henge, Cumbria
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sahorner59: F_Horner_self portrait 04_with a little help from my friends
sahorner59: F_Horner_self portrait 10_eternity
sahorner59: F_Horner_self portrait 09_listen
sahorner59: F_Horner_self portrait 08_read