Galwad: The pond
Galwad: Massonia depressa
Galwad: Powderpuff plant
Galwad: River Cam, early morning
Galwad: Indian rhubarb leaf
Galwad: Powdery Alligator-flag
Galwad: Foxglove
Galwad: Rosa moyesii the Mandarin rose
Galwad: Sneezeweed
Galwad: Wine raspberries
Galwad: Echinacea
Galwad: White hibiscus
Galwad: Lotus flower fruit - Nelumbo nucifera
Galwad: Hibiscus schizopetalus
Galwad: After the rain
Galwad: Cactus ball with single flower
Galwad: Monarch of the Veldt
Galwad: Paper-flower bud Xerochrysum bracteatum
Galwad: Hydrangea macrophylla Bodensee
Galwad: Lathyrus grandiflorus /everlasting pea
Galwad: Phacelia tanacetifolia
Galwad: Rosa x coryana
Galwad: Araucaria the Monkey Puzzle Tree
Galwad: Aloe polyphylla
Galwad: Grasses
Galwad: Broussonetia x kazinoki or the Kozo Paper Mulberry tree
Galwad: peony
Galwad: Pom Pom Conebush - Leucodendron discolor
Galwad: Green orchid
Galwad: Topiary 4