d.jay.: Speckled Wood Butterfly.
d.jay.: DSC_3479 Speckled Wood Butterfly.
d.jay.: DSC_3492 Speckled Wood Butterfly.
d.jay.: Long tailed Tit on Blackthorn.
d.jay.: Nuthatch.
d.jay.: Male Chaffinch.
d.jay.: Male Chaffinch.
d.jay.: Blackthorn.
d.jay.: Blackthorn F11 800th ISO 1600. 6 April 2023 Liverpool . Tamron 150-600mm at 170mm Nikon D500
d.jay.: Blakthorn.
d.jay.: Peregrine.F7.1 500th ISO 1600 6 April 2023 Lpool.
d.jay.: Nuthatch.
d.jay.: Nuthatch
d.jay.: Nuthatch.
d.jay.: Robin.
d.jay.: Goldfinch
d.jay.: Wren,
d.jay.: Female Blackcap.
d.jay.: Robin.
d.jay.: Male Chaffinch.
d.jay.: Short eared Owl over the moor.
d.jay.: Wryneck with Ants eggs at nest hole.
d.jay.: Woodcock.
d.jay.: Male Merlin.
d.jay.: Spotted Flycatcher with food.
d.jay.: Spotted Flycatcher.
d.jay.: Sotted Flycatcher with young.
d.jay.: Short eared Owl on wall.
d.jay.: Female Peregrine with young.
d.jay.: Male Grey Wagtail with food.