Roland S.: Green is the prettiest
Roland S.: Photographers heart affair
Roland S.: A heart for the kids
Roland S.: Tightrope walker
Roland S.: Broken
Helmut Wendeler aus Hanau: Children's Kingdom
Servicejoker: Hummel_und_Zierlauch
DHMaisch: C-Falter
Roland S.: Lancer Variation
blickwinkel77: remember summer 2
Helmut Wendeler aus Hanau: my dear neighbor
blickwinkel77: Ziel erreicht!
DHMaisch: Baumgeist
Roland S.: Colorful white frost
DHMaisch: Graureiher
blickwinkel77: burning matches
Roland S.: purple mist
Roland S.: Frankfurt view from the cathedral tower #1
Roland S.: Fading line of trees
fd_alsaker: _FD10605 The tulips are coming
Roland S.: Winter impression
fd_alsaker: _FA82864 Just 2 months ago
fd_alsaker: 2148_FD20784 Tussilago farfara
fd_alsaker: _FD26445
wuffwuff02: P8060740_. Libelle im Gegenlicht