Thilo Sengupta: Phoenix-West, Dortmund
Altair2134: le chemin creux
Altair2134: Taennchel blanc
Jaan Keinaste: Valguskerad
Jaan Keinaste: Jüri alevik
marc.barrot: Late Afternoon In Sai Kung Harbour
marc.barrot: Along Rua dos Ervanarios
Autophocus: Fall in the Laurentians 6
Iand49 (Instagram @iand.49): As ex-SR Bulleid West Country Pacific no 34007 "Wadebridge" waits to move towards Loughborough the fireman leans out of his cab to see another ex-SR locomotive, Maunsell N15 Class 4-6-0 no.30777 "Sir Lamiel", roar past with a southbound passenger train
Iand49 (Instagram @iand.49): A colourful carpet of Bluebells amongst Beech trees in Dockey Wood
Anna_Soffia: GT8A0884-HDR
Anna_Soffia: GT8A0875-Enhanced-NR
Anna_Soffia: GT8A0867
Anna_Soffia: GT8A0911
marvergani: "Weisshorn" ... the Beauty of Spring in mountain
Swisshead: Lac d'Emosson Valais Switzerland
timleeuw: Heron on the Prowl
timleeuw: By the Waterside
Alóm Sound: Als voltants del camí de Prades IV/V
Alóm Sound: Als voltants del camí de Prades V/V
Alóm Sound: Fusta i pedra
thomaskoutsochristos: thomas-1907 BALI 4.2 Dream Yacht !
Nils1962: Lübeck, Dummersdorf - 02-11-24
Nils1962: Xiaomi - 14-11-24
Nils1962: Lübeck, Dummersdorfer Ufer - 11-01-25
Lyutik966: Building in Kaluga
ugblasig: gasometer in münster
ugblasig: gasometer in münster
ugblasig: von everswinkel nach hoetmar: wieningen