becauseLIGHT 〄:
Farshad Sanaee The Apple:
Flourish, Acrylic on hardboard 61 x 46 cm Visible in the dark, By Farshad Sanaee The Apple
Farshad Sanaee The Apple:
Division Board, Acrylic mix on wood board By Farshad Sanee The Apple
Farshad Sanaee The Apple:
My Dashboard, Acrylic mix on board 62 x 122 cm Visible in the dark By Farshad Sanaee The Apple
Australian red wattlebird
Ana Mendes do Carmo:
Abelharuco ( Merops apiaster)
Ana Mendes do Carmo:
Cortiçol-de-barriga-branca / Pterocles alchata
Ana Mendes do Carmo:
Pinguim-imperador / Aptenodytes forsteri
Christoph Fischer:
The Importance of Shapes & Balance in Composition.
European paper wasp blowing bubbles
Bee sleepover
Steven Rossi:
Red-legged honeycreeper
Steven Rossi:
Long-billed hermit hummingbird
Sylvain Crassous:
héron cendré
Sylvain Crassous:
Manni Aigner:
Der Pollenschnüffler - The Pollen Snooper
Fishing In The Reeds
Peter Simpson:
Eastern Garter Snake - Couleuvre rayée - Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis
Peter Simpson:
Eastern Screech-Owl - Petit-duc maculé
Peter Simpson:
Yellow-rumped Warbler - Paruline à croupion jaune
Olivier 64:
Une punaise qui brille de mille feux !
Crow art 20241113-NZ8_8340
Diane G. Zooms---Mostly Off:
Female Red-bellied Woodpecker
Diane G. Zooms---Mostly Off:
Blue Jay