streetspirit13: Confinement. Good courage and patience.
streetspirit13: Arm yourself with patience, how right the expression is! Patience is indeed a weapon, and who takes it, nothing can destroy it. Without it, we are automatically delivered to whim or despair. Emil Michel Cioran.
streetspirit13: Jeu dans la rue
streetspirit13: Confinement
streetspirit13: Porter sa croix.
streetspirit13: In the city there is no horizon, but I dream of it...
streetspirit13: Sunny feet .
streetspirit13: Breaking bad.
streetspirit13: Coco & Nuts are on a bench.
streetspirit13: From my window i see other Windows, people watching from other people.
streetspirit13: Permission for short trips,within one hour of a day and within a maximum radius of one kilometre around the home.
streetspirit13: Le sud a l'âme en blues, Le bleu est en errance, Le soleil est en partance.
streetspirit13: Step by step.
streetspirit13: To the Windows !
streetspirit13: Port du masque par-dessus l'oreille
streetspirit13: L'inconnu masqué
streetspirit13: 11/05/2020 le jour du déconfinement
streetspirit13: La passagère
streetspirit13: Élégance avec masque