jc.cjrc: Nene Goose
jc.cjrc: Canada Goose & Chicks
jc.cjrc: Pink footed Goose
jc.cjrc: Brent Goose
jc.cjrc: Green Sandpiper
jc.cjrc: Spotted Redshank
jc.cjrc: Snow bunting
jc.cjrc: Red throated diver
jc.cjrc: Red throated diver in winter plumage
jc.cjrc: Egyptian Goose
jc.cjrc: Mute swan
jc.cjrc: Dragonfly
jc.cjrc: Oyster catcher and chick
jc.cjrc: Common blue butterfly
jc.cjrc: Common blue butterfly
jc.cjrc: Black winged Stilt
jc.cjrc: Black winged Stilt
jc.cjrc: Jack
jc.cjrc: Great Crested Grebe and chicks
jc.cjrc: Moorhen
jc.cjrc: Grouse
jc.cjrc: Garden warbler
jc.cjrc: Swan at sunset
jc.cjrc: Great Crested Grebe
jc.cjrc: Black necked Grebe
jc.cjrc: Palm leaves
jc.cjrc: Mandarin Duck
jc.cjrc: Golden eye
jc.cjrc: Albatross- black brow
jc.cjrc: Kestrel