thevogel: 60092c
thevogel: 60079
thevogel: 60062a
thevogel: 60050e
thevogel: 60036e
thevogel: 60033b
thevogel: 60032
thevogel: 60030b
thevogel: 60025A
thevogel: IMG-20221230-WA0010
thevogel: IMG-20221230-WA0012
thevogel: 20220807_121248
thevogel: 20220129_151804
thevogel: 20220129_072856
thevogel: 20211226_111348
thevogel: 120621
thevogel: 120621 - 3
thevogel: Seen better days, despite asking anyone who would listen at Toton i have still not got to the bottom of the story about the brake van chassis.
thevogel: B 95xxxx Toton 010117
thevogel: 20220817_112304
thevogel: SUKO 52416 Blackpool Dryers Burngullow Jct 160822
thevogel: 20220815_193049
thevogel: Carne Point, Fowey 150822
thevogel: CDA 375125 Fowey 150822
thevogel: CDA 375137 Fowey 150822
thevogel: 20220815_154408
thevogel: 20220815_154352
thevogel: CDA 375074 Carne Point, Fowey.
thevogel: Lostwithiel Loop 150822
thevogel: Lostwithiel Loop 150822